I mean come on. Just look at her and her friends! They are volcanoes on the surface of a star during a super-nova when it comes to how hot they are. Can't you just imagine them yelling "charge!" while riding on top of [url=http://reallycuteanimals.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/20130312-sleepy-puppies_thumb.jpg]sleepy puppies[/url]!? The cuteness would be overloading. My head would asplode! Just look at them! If I were their size and got my hands on them, the things I would do to them would make Disney ashamed of ever thinking of making movies about them(I mean this only if I was their size or they were mine). [url=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs47/i/2009/226/6/b/Disney_Girls__Fairies_by_Kateyy22.png]So cute and hawt :)[/url]
So flood, what do you think about them?
(Don't be hatin on me just cause I like them. I'm sure there are plenty of you that like weirder things. For the record: they aren't children; they just never age. [url=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/073/7/a/chel___haters_by_kuropop-d5y0jbj.gif]haters gonna hate :P[/url]
This thread reminded me of that cartoon thread on bungie.old. Except, that thread would never stay dead.