So which does the Flood prefer? What are the pros and cons you guys often find with each?
#yolo420blazeitupswaqq PC for gaming. Mac for paperweight and ego boost.
Any college student with a Mac who plans on working in the business world: have fun buying a PC once you graduate.
i use a mac for work but a pc for everything else
Nice bait.
I like my mac book pro because I don't game on my PC
Pc's are just better. Macs may be mor user friendly to new users but when you look at whats important PC's are were its at.
Why would I own a PC console
I have to be honest. Mac.
You're on an internet forum about gaming, which takes a good computer. Why is this a question- you're going to get a far smaller percentage of ignorant people claiming how great Macs are here?
*Flame suite initiated* PC's ALL THE WAY!!!!