Lets just say that Bungie decided to give players the option to alternate between separate control schemes by using the four directions on the D-pad. If they chose to do this, what would you like to see as the differentiation between the schemes?
Also, what buttons would you like to see be affected? ie: LT, RT, LB, RB
Edited by iGraviton: 4/24/2013 11:02:04 PMI still don't understand why no console game gives us the option to set up our controller schemes ourselves, rather than use pre-set ones. EDIT: How I'd set-up my controller: X- Jump O - Crouch/Prone ⃞-Interact/Reload ∆ - Swap Weapon R1 - Fire R2 - Grenade L1 - Aim Down L2 - Equipment RS - Melee LS - Sprint D-Up - Power 1 D-Left - Power 2 D-Right - Power 3 D-Down - Power 4 This is assuming the D-Pad is for our characters powers and abilities, of course.