[url=http://tampa.craigslist.org/hdo/cto/3752494508.html]Such quality craftsmanship[/url].
How could I turn it down?
On a serious note, why do people do this? Do they think they did a good job? Do they think it looks good?
I know if I ever decided to completely customize my car in that manner, I'd definitely make it a rolling shrine to consumerism.
Oh god my eyes. I'm even more disturbed when I stop to think how many hours this guy put into shaping gallon after gallon of bondo.
Well, it is [i]Monster[/i]ous.
This isn't even too far from where I live.. It looks like it's wrapped in play doh.
so they took a nice car, and ruined it. great job internet
I hate Monster and I hate kids who flash the Monster logo everywhere as if it's cool.
They think they're professionals. Turns out, they're not and FAR from it.
some thing about that car.... weird imo