I played Halo 3 yesterday, and i couldn't help but remember some pretty freakin awesome and fun nights i spent playing customs with my friends and people i didn't even know. Those days are long over, sadly, and maybe never will come back like Halo had them.
I'm looking to host a Halo 3 All-Nighter We will be playing a variety of Custom Games and Big team Battle on Xbox Live, so we need a good number of people, 16 if we can. I'm looking to start this Saturday, the 27th around 7 or 8 PM Eastern Time. If you are interested please send me a message.
If there is a specific gametype and map you want to play then please reccomend them here. I'll try to download them if not make sure you have them on your fileshare.
This is purely just for fun and chilling out, meeting and playing with some other people and having a damn freaking awesome good time. You in?
1 or 2 AM GMT + 1? Nope.