I had planned on getting one of [url=http://www.dell.com/us/p/alienware-x51/pd.aspx]these^[/url] when I start my classes, however I'm starting to have my doubts in regards to this pc, especially considering that three people on here have recommended that I don't get a Alienchode. I hear a lot of different things about Alienchodes, both positive and negative but mainly the latter. The number one thing that I hear is that they're over priced and over rated.
So does anyone have any recommendations for a better pc? Preferably one that is a similar size to the one I posted. Also, if you're a Alienchode owner or have had one in the past, can you share the experiences you had with it? Like what were some problems you have/had with it? What did you have to replace and when did you have to replace it? Stuff like that.
Edit: Pretty much all of you guys are saying to build one myself, so I guess that's what I'm going to do. Better start looking at parts and what not... Thanks for the suggestions.
Build your own, unless you need a laptop, then Asus G75vx.