So basically i just have a 2 questions concerning guns and freedom and USA in general.
I'm not trying to start a debate or similar i just want to know your opinion because me as a swiss don't really get why you guys allways have to rage if somebody says something against the US or somebody tries to touch your guns
These are my questions:
1. What to you have against gun registrations and better background checks?
it's not like they take away all your guns
2. What's so special about your freedom?
Do you honestly think that other countrys like england,germany and such have less or another kind of freedom that doesn't even compare because it's so much worse?
please enlighten me.
1. I'm not against background checks, but a lot of gun owners are against them because they're deathly afraid of being denied their 2 amendment rights. 2. We're proud of our history. Our obsession with freedom stemmed from our history when we successfully defeated the British throne who was oppressing us and using us for nothing more than a money machine. More people immigrated to America to escape religious persecution. Others came to America for a second chance at life, to escape the poverty of their homeland, and whatever other type of oppression that they might have encountered. America was a refuge for the tired and weary, and in many cases it still is. We are proud of that aspect of us, and we are proud to have been the country that gave people a second chance.