[url=http://jalopnik.com/spooky-photos-of-bostons-deserted-roads-476458153]It's -blam!-ing empty. Nobody out on the streets.[/url]
[quote]The streets are empty in Boston, which is in the middle of a manhunt. This is what the roads look like in a city on lockdown.
There are parts of the city where men with assault rifles are going door to door, but the streets are cleared everywhere. "It's a police state. Everything is shut down," one resident told the Baltimore Sun. Another resident expressed a feeling of purpose, saying "everyone is following the rules, hoping the suspect is caught soon."
Some think the city looks like the set of a zombie movie, others think it seems ready for a car chase.
People from all over Boston are pouring out pictures onto Twitter and Instagram.[/quote]Is this the future? For years conspiracy theorists have said this is the path we'll take to martial law. Were they right?
It seems the terrorists have won. People are scared shitless.
so the entirety of the city of Boston looks like that? do we know the guy's definitely still in Boston? or is this whole thing for a single guy [b]who may not even be there anymore?[/b]