[quote]“If this wasn't bad enough, the police were sent to my residence and I was advised that my guns may be taken from me. This can't be happening, I thought. But it was,” Mayer said.
That following Monday, Mayer received a call from the pistol licensing office stating that police would be at his house to remove his guns and suspend his license.
“I attempted to explain that this must be a mistake, no wrong doing occurred on my part. My son has no access to any of my guns. The officer that came to my residence saw that all my guns were secured. Pistol Licensing was not interested in my side of the story. They were only interested in what happened with my 10-year-old son in school,” he said.
When Mayer asked police when his license would be restored, he said that police told him he would have to wait until his son is 18 years old and moves out of the house.
Nothing has pissed me off this much.
I'm sure he could get a lawyer to flip this. It's not like you could honestly say that a 10 year even has the mental capacity to plan to kill someone. Plus his guns were secure how is the kid supposed to get them?
New York City does not represent the entire state. Us Western and Northern New Yorkers are actually pretty good.
I don't understand New York anymore. The mayor arms police officers with pistols holding only 7 rounds, takes away the guns of law abiding citizens, tries to ban large soda, but through all this, doesn't seem to want to clean up the streets. Frankly, if the government confiscated his guns over this, then I think we should take a good look at what's going on with our second amendment right.
Stay classy New York.
Edited by Egerspurge: 4/13/2013 1:50:27 AM[quote]>New York >free pick one[/quote] Fix'd.
>America >free pick one