This is more directed towards Christianity but I hope you get the meaning.
You won't believe in evolution but you would believe that some dude in the sky created everything on Earth because obviously it makes so much sense and has so much more evidence. Some guy 2000 years ago claimed to be your savior and claims that he will be back, yet in 2000 years of human history we have not seen even a trace of him (of course, not before countless killings have been committed in his name), yet you still continue to believe. You would believe in a number of fairy tales including a man on a giant ship with a bunch of animals floating on the sea during a giant flood, but an asteroid hitting the Earth and killing the dinosaurs is just impossible.
And worst of all, their main excuse is, "Why can't you just let other people be and let them believe what they want?" Yet they are the ones going around spouting their nonsense in people's faces, they are the ones who oppose homosexuals getting married, they are the ones who want to force their unreasonable beliefs into the public education system (intelligent design, prayers at school, etc.). What hypocrites.
This might be the most ignorant post ever posted on the flood. I dont know why you people, and yes I did just say you people, get this idea that christians dont believe in evolution. We do. Evolution does not disprove God. It never has. Why are we against homosexuals getting married? Last time I checked, the church is a private organization, which believes that marriage, one of its sacraments, should be between a man and a woman. The real problem is with the government which is suppose to be separate from the church to begin with, so don't point the finger at us. Lastly your comments about Jesus, if you knew anything, you would know it says Jesus' second coming will be at the end of the world, he hasn't returned because the world hasn't ended yet, artard. The ignorance of you people. Go read a book.