When you first played them, what were your thoughts
Edited by kgj: 4/4/2013 12:27:28 AMHalo CE: Wow! As a person who plays games for the narratives (and in this game's case, the gameplay, battle engineering, and strategic flow of combat), this multiplayer is quite entertaining! Perhaps I might even give other multiplayers a chance. Halo 2: WHAT THE HELL IS THIS? NO. GET THIS AUTO AIM OUT OF HERE. DOWNSIZE THE MOUNTAINOUS HITBOXES. STOP PUTTING SUPERMAGNETS ON MY BULLETS. SPREAD? WHAT THE HELL IS SPREAD? STOP TELEPORTING ME WHENEVER I PRESS B. WHAT IS THIS INFINITE AMMO PIECE OF GLOWING SH!T DOING HERE I SWEAR I OUGHTTA... Halo 3: But... but... I thought you said you'd learned from your mistakes in Halo 2 Bungie... what the hell is this spread? Hell, that was one of the things you actually fixed with the H2 TU. Well, at the very least you guys fixed a lot of the core gunplay elements. And the weapon sandbox seems all round more useful (exceptforthislolpistolwhatthehellisthispistolicouldwipemya$$withitwithoutthesafetyonandnotfeelendangeredwhydidyoutakeinspirationfrompeashooterswhenmakingthispistolwhywhywhy), though still not near CE. So I guess I can still have some fun with this MP suite. Reach: EARTH TO BUNGIE: SPREAD WAS NEVER A GOOD IDEA, AND THIS SPREAD^2 BLOOMSH!T ISN'T EITHER. Is there seriously... no... what is this armor lock crap... that's it. I'm done. These post-CE multiplayers aren't fit to share the same series name with that game. From this moment on, I will disregard all "Halo" multiplayers. Halo 4: lolHalolmultiplayer