Look at the posts on [url=http://www.bungie.net/7_Homophobic-boy-yelling-at-churchgoers-egged-on-by-/en-us/Forum/Post?id=60131903]this thread[/url] and [url=http://www.bungie.net/7_N-Korea-should-blow-up-America/en-us/Forum/Post?id=60132900]this one[/url]
In it we see Off-Topic'ers voicing an opinion that what was said should be punishable. My favorite was for the call of a "Government created database" of when people say things anti-American. (lolreallykiki?)
So, there obviously are strong feelings on the matter. What are your thoughts?
...and feel free to look at everyone's post history to find instances when they said they are for total free speech, and then posted something contrary to that. Allow no hypocrisy in this thread.
Limitations if there is hate speech in person is how I'd do it. For instance: You can protest against Obama all you want if it's civilised, but if it's nothing more than a racist spout of lies and verbal abuse then I'd consider that a public misconduct. Now if it's on the internet, then do what you want. The Internet should not be ruled by anyone in my opinion.