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3/25/2013 8:34:36 PM

Traffiking - Drug trade management game (I'm currently making it)

So basically I'm making a game called Trafficking, which is a simulation management game based around the production, transportation, protection, and distribution of illegal drugs in select regions of the country. So far ideas for locations I have are opiate distribution in Moscow, crack ring in New York City, and marijuana distribution in suburban California. If I'm incorrect about popular drugs in certain areas please tell me, or if you have a better idea for a setting that'd be cool too. One of the responsibilities the player takes on in the game consist of maintaining a supply of your easiest available drug in the area, which can consist of buying from foreign markets or producing it yourself. Also, players must determine how to properly supply labor necessary to distribute or produce your drug, which can range from hiring underprivileged teens in the local housing projects selling drugs on the corner, or dabbling in the human trafficking trade so you have men to maintain the crops or use as capital to maintain a steady flow of income. Furthermore, the player must invest in ways to ensure the efficient delivery of their product, which can consist of purchasing illegal weapons to arm dealers and transporters, as well as "securing land and eliminating capital" from opposing businesses. The game will most likely be made in a GUI in either python or java, in a "spreadsheet" style fashion similar to many grand strategy games. For now the game will focus on micro-distribution within certain regions, if I decide to make a sequel that will feature macro-distribution. If you guys have any cool ideas, that would be cool too to share. Would you play it?

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