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3/22/2013 6:57:20 PM

Dead Space 3 Awakened DLC Brute Review.

Phew, long title... [spoiler]Anyway, if you were like me and was disappointed with the main story in Dead Space 3, then prepare to scratch your heads in confusion for a minute or two. Not because of confusion from plot points--not in any way here. It will leave you baffled because you will wonder "why wasn't the rest of the game like this?!" Like I said in my video review above, Dead Space 3 was a case where the world outshines the main narrative. It gave you a feeling that the game was on a bigger scale than the story was letting on. It was not scary like the other two games, just highly absorbing. This DLC however, turns that on its head. It takes place immediately after the main ending of the game. Issac and Carver have survived the destruction of the Moon and are questioning if they are alive, or dead after such an impossible scenario... But thing swiftly go awry once again when Issac is paid a visit by a good old friend. Mr. Dementia. What was thrown out during the entire main story has come back for this hour and a half long story. Issac quickly begins to loose his mind to the new threat above on the Tera Nova. If you recall at the end of the game, there was more than one moon that were yet to be awakened. Well, now they have been and "They're coming. They're hungry. They're coming. They're hungry. They're coming. They're hungry." The surviving Unitologists all flee to the Tera Nova in response to a man who acts out the Moons' will. They quickly fall to their knees in blind worship of their new leaders, and do very disturbing things to themselves in the process. Now, why was this effort in disturbing terror not taken for the main game? This DLC alone is more scary than the main game and some of the 2nd game. Another thing that is fishy for me, is how swiftly this was released to us. Granted that it is a $8 download and only lasts one hour. It still feels like this was ripped from the main game as the cannon ending just to squeeze more money out of us. It is still a worthy purchase, but it does not excuse that fact. Still, Awakened is a great DLC that goes as quickly as it came. Once you get to the end, it will only let you know that there is another Dead Space coming in the future... Maybe. [/spoiler]

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