Active meaning it's released a game. Or maybe will release a game, Irrational.
Mine has probably been Ubisoft; I'm an enormous Assassin's Creed fan (although I'm starting to get bored with it), Rayman Origins was amazing and Legends looks great too, and Watch Dogs might as well have next-gen GotY put on its boxart.
So what about you lot?
Edited by Jaaake AU: 3/22/2013 12:59:23 PMIt would have been Ubisoft, but they really let us/me down with ACIII. Otherwise I'll have to stick with 343i; Both Halo 4 and CEA were the only games I bought during the darkness that I put a lot of time in. If we're allowed to include Dice and BF3 however (can't remember if it released after or before darkness began), they'd be on top.