I have been beating this horse for a few weeks now. I've [url=http://www.bungie.net/en-us/Forum/Post?id=59713434&path=1]made threads[/url], I've taken every opportunity in any thread I post in to talk about how Liking a thread is a piss poor replacement the Saved threads feature.
A ridiculous thing that I have started doing now because of the lack of Saved Threads feature, and because we have lost ALL of our saved threads from the old site and I don't want to lose any interesting threads again, I have started bookmarking threads that I like because I don't want Bungie to snatch them away from me again like they just did.
Also the idea that I can just search through the old site and find every thread that I had saved in the years that I have been on the site is ridiculous. That was the purpose of the saved threads feature that I didn't need to remember them all because they were all handily listed there, even if I wanted to remember them all I wouldn't be able to I had 5 or 6 pages of them.
Frankly just like the man in that image I've grown tired of trying to get this EXTREMELY HELPFUL and UNIVERSALLY USED feature returned. So for the last time I'll make my suggestion and that will be that.
I think that if the Saved threads feature is not reintroduced, it would be my preference that it is, then the "Like" feature needs to be expanded. A few ideas for this expansion that I've had are having a separate page for "Liked" threads in your profile that allows you to sort them by forum or by tags or by date created, just to name a few options.
If the webteam goes the expanding the "Like" feature route then I think that they should also address another concern that a number of other users have expressed recently, that their saved threads from the old site be transferred over to a new "Liked Threads" page, where they could be organized as I have suggested.
That's it. I'm done. I'm putting my horse beating stick down and walking away. GG Bungie you win.
I resurrect this for the truth it contains!