Umm ye many Anime fans and Naruto fans say that Naruto started becoming bad despite being on the number 1 spot.
Ye I agree with this. The story was much better till after pain...that's when they got the idea "I haz 20 filers den sotry 4 10 epz den 20 filz gain!"...and not to mention how much the anime has forcefully been extended. What about the cheesy jokes in Shippuden.
I am a very big fan of Naruto/Naruto Shippuden but I can admit this.
So what do you think?
You nailed it. Right after Pain died, the story made a dramatic and terrible shift. The whole kage summit was slow, then it just became so disjointed and really hard to believe in the conflict between Naruto and Sasuke. Part of me feels like Pain was supposed to be the real last villain. This who Tobi and Madara business seems painfully tacked on. If you read the manga, then you know how much they are undoing in the basic story just to keep this crummy arc afloat.