Ok, I know what you might be thinking. "Who is this guy and why should i post in his thread?" or "What the hell kind of name is Sleepy?" or "Why do i smell bacon?" but hear me out. I'm currently working on a costume for a concept... for a video. Now, this idea might never become real HOWEVER, it got to thinking.
What would one wear during the rainy season after mankind has almost been wiped of the face of the earth? Now this isnt post nuclear or zombie apocalypse. This is whatever scenario you want to make it. Now you need to be light, non constricted and battle ready at all times without putting something on OR taking something off. What would you choose to wear?
Me, something like a [url=http://threadsofperu.wordpress.com/our-ebay-store/]poncho[/url] and a [url=https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=boonie+hat&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.43828540,d.dmg&biw=1440&bih=809&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=VcJHUe2sIPO24APo54DoAg]boonie[/url].
TL;DR what would you wear during the rainy seasons in a combat zone?
Some kind of water proof adventure bike jacket, like the one pictured, along with some hard knuckle leather gloves. Worn over standard [url=http://s1209.photobucket.com/user/Epsilon584/media/dirtbike.jpg.html]enduro gear[/url], very durable for a non-military piece of equipment, the chest plate would be decent protection from blunt force trauma, the boots make breaking an ankle near impossible, neck brace would make neck injuries very difficult to occur(although, wearing a helmet is required, most neck injuries would result from a crash). I would do away with the high visible pants and jersey though. For transportation, toss on a [url=http://shops.hookit.com/acerbis/ViewProduct/KTMSX125-52502-06EXC05-0766Gallon/2310.aspx]larger gas tank[/url] onto the bike pictured, and I'm good. Yes I have thought this out before. And that is me picture, face was blacked out for some purpose that I forgot about, lost the original.