In my dreams these days, I'm always in trouble. =/
More recently, I've dreamed I was still at university or secondary school and I had an English essay due the next day and I hadn't done it, and I was going to get in serious trouble for it. This has happened twice in the last week; the first time a friend was reminding me it was due the next day, and I shrugged it off because I slacked off a lot in uni. The second time, we were lining up into groups to hand the homework in.
Last night, I was in a mental asylum, in an old village hall where I use to live. Meaning the hall was being used as an asylum. Sister Jude from American Horror Story: Asylum was there. I had choked on bottled water earlier in the dream, and then I was involved in a small production of some Italian play, where I had to speak with an accent. Reading the script, the words became increasingly faded and illegible, and soon disappeared altogether, the page itself falling to pieces. A lot of the patients were laughing at me as I struggled, and I soon got mad and smacked a girl across the face.
Then Sister Jude, who had been telling them all to stop laughing, yelled at me, and said I was in for severe punishment. Then the Monsignor showed up in the kitchen of the old hall, and told me it was time to go for my death sentence.
Why am I always in trouble? v_v
What do you eat/watch/read/think about before sleeping? Many factors can alter dream states. I should know, I'm a geographer with a friend studying psychiatry.
Cheese dreams, man. The dreams I had the other day after I finished off some Leyden.
I had a dream yesterday in which I was cock-blocked by the girls younger brother, wtf man.