[quote]Dentists may one day be able to replace missing teeth with ones newly grown from gum cells, say UK researchers.
The team from King's College London took cells from adult human gum tissue and combined them with another type of cell from mice to grow a tooth.
They say using a readily available source of cells pushes the technology a step nearer to being available to patients.
But it is still likely to be many years before dentists can use the method.
Other work has focused on using embryonic stem cells to create "bioteeth".[/quote]
This is pretty dam cool, no more false teeth for anybody or crowns or bridges. Would you like this to be available?
Edited by M37h3w3: 3/10/2013 7:14:35 AMNow if only the British would invent some sort of metal device that is affixed to the teeth and uses various metal bits to push and bull the teeth and jaw line into proper alignment. I think here in America we call them braces.
Edited by Nobody: 3/10/2013 8:07:06 PMSweet we can continue to live the fatass American dream with little worry about our teeth. We just need Diabeeetus cured so we can finally have our fattopia.
First pips pips and cheerios and now regrowable teeth? Will the madness ever end?
I really like to see progress like this. But this has already been done a decade ago. When is humanity, the west atleast going to benefit from this?
Edited by DarkSpyda04: 3/10/2013 12:53:14 AMYou know what the coolest thing is about all of this news concerning new medical breakthroughs? You have to be rich to afford treatment.
you know, if the brits and swiss and canadians weren't so good at being candy makers(confectionists), the world probably wouldn't need this. just saying...they make most of the best candy.
It's about time. I think us brits are tired of having such shoddy teeth. Jolly good, that.
I'm sorry, but the stereotype here is too damn strong. lol
That's pretty cool.
Well the Brits sure could use it.
I get it, the joke is that the British don't actually have dentists (them teeth).
Well the British would come up with that.
this is a good use of tax money dont you hate when you see on the news that you tax money is being wasted ex: on the news i saw that there's a science field that's been up for 5 years to see what cheeses rats prefer the sent of. how the hell is that going to help me or others
Pretty darn awesome. I gotta say, even though I take good care of my teeth, it's annoying as hell to do. Whenever I'm not going out a day, I can pretty much skip all personal hygiene, except brushing my teeth.
britshavehorrible[i]crooked[/i]teeth That's actually really cool! Combined with the work they're doing to replace the bacteria in your mouth that causes cavities with one that doesn't, this could make dental care so much easier in the future.
I wonder how much it will cost. Hopefully I'll never need this.
Britain is doing something about there teeth? That's new.
I can't believe that brits have bad teeth stereotype is still going lol. Anyway, that's pretty cool. Hope it could be done to patients where the dentist -blam!-s up and messes up a tooth.. like mine did. RIP that one molar.. granted it was an extra tooth but it caused no problems until they cracked it.
This is pretty cool, but hopefully I won't ever need it.
Hopefully they can get them to grow straight so they can get rid of all there crooked teeth.
That's pretty cool stuff, maybe the same tech could be used to grow new bones for shattered limbs and such.
Edited by BritLemon: 3/9/2013 2:15:38 PM[quote]Inb4britshavehorribleyellowteeth[/quote]Even though we don't anyway. Anyway, this is awesome. Maybe in the futer I can get my knackered tooth replaced with a "bio-tooth". +1 for Britian +1 for Science