Just wanted to make a topic so people can see every music of Destiny that has been on youtube.
''Eighth'': http://youtu.be/6eK93RzQmRw
''Ravaged World'' (ViDoc Trailer Music 1): http://youtu.be/DTH4MvycTb0
''Be Brave'' (ViDoc Trailer Music 2): http://youtu.be/P25YRb9g0Pk
''Be Brave'' (Piano Version): http://youtu.be/msPMnnQHq1k
''Brave New World'' (Playstation 4 Trailer): http://youtu.be/PhBvb0NeB6Q
That's it! I will upload more soon!
Im not going to lie, the music in Destiny is probably the thing im looking forword to the most, it's whats going to really push people into the game!