Sorry if this is old, but I stumbled upon it in Driver's Ed. So, here it is.
Hard won victory!
Glad to know that you were spending your precious learning time for the good of the community. Which state do you live, I will make sure that stay away from there, it isn't GA is it? And thanks, I didn't know about this, so even if it was old, there are lots that didn't know.
If you could open this in a window on b-net, start a game, and have a random b-net member join in, this would be fantastic. Perhaps your score could be added to your profile somehow, for bragging rights or whatever. This is what this place needs. Or some other easy going game....
Many thanks for finding this.
Don't laugh at me!
It's impossible.
Darn you can't play it on iphone.
Really easy. Just serve at the top of the screen, he'll hit it back straight, then angle as far down as you can and he'll [I]never[/I] reach it. Do this four times and it's over.
After playing it for 3minutes. "-blam!- you, you gnop bastard."
Where are the cups and beer?
That's pretty cool.
I was sitting there for about two minutes before I realised I had to click [i]File > New Game[/i] to play. This game is before my time.
Pretty cool. It's pretty much the exact same thing as the original. Even with the Mac OS 9 UI.
Protip: Serve from the top or bottom of the screen and when the ball comes back hit it towards the opposite corner.
I'm not very good at this.
Edited by WickedNavajo: 3/7/2013 3:01:35 PMTurns out I'm better at real-life gnip-gnop than on the computer.
I suck at Gnop apparently...
Playing with a touchpad is not very convenient.
woooot. I thought you controlled the ball, though? Not just the paddle. Isn't this exactly what Pong is? Guess my brain switched it up...
Interesting... I will waste some precious minutes on this
I can't even win with large paddle and large ball I sux.
This is the stuff.
Ha, I won.
Finally, a game my PC can run!
I Win!
Edited by freefall722: 3/8/2013 4:34:53 PMoh my god! I forgot that I had played this as a kid - but that laugh when you loose brought back horrific nightmares. Sent chills up my spine.