Did you like it if you have played it?
[spoiler]Personally I found a clone Commander Shepard to be a real big twist. Nobody could have predicted that was going to happen. Plus the Silversun Strip and the party at Shepards new apartment are excellent.[/spoiler]
For those of you who're not interested in purchasing the DLC I took the liberty of recording the whole main story (but not the party). If you're interested in watching you can view the various parts on my YouTube Channel located [url=https://www.youtube.com/user/anarmouredcat?feature=watch]here.[/url] I am uploading the various parts now.
The actual plot was pretty terrible, and some scenes were just downright [i]garbage[/i] (see Tali's romance invite for a mockery of one of the most widely loved characters in the series). But overall, I felt the DLC was decently well done. It's no LOTSB, but I had fun.