[url=http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/02/28/obama-gay-marriage_n_2783912.html]Declaring Prop 8 unconstitutional[/url].
Since they're going with the fact that Prop 8 breaks the 14th amendment, there might be a high chance that Prop 8 will be repealed and gay marriage will be recognized and legal in California. If they were to add that it also breaks the Full Faith and Credit clause, then I'm sure the proposition would have a much higher possibility of it being repealed.
Opinions on this? As a Californian, I'm actually happy about this. There's also much more people in California that are in favor of Prop 8 being taken out.
[url=http://www.field.com/fieldpollonline/subscribers/Rls2406.pdf]Apparently, 59% of California supports gay marriage now[/url].
So violate one part of the constitution for the other in favor of personal vindication. Cool.