My finance and I are looking into getting our wedding bands engraved and would like to honour our Irish backgrounds with the words "You are my true love" in Gaelic. Neither of us knows the language though and every website we visit tells us a different way of saying it.
So far we have come across these variations which seem to be the closest to how we'd like to say it, but we still don't know which is correct.
[b]tú mo chuid[/b]
[b]tú mo shearc[/b]
Any help would be great!
Edited by welderman adam: 2/28/2013 4:10:22 PMThis place seemed alright. The few phrases I remember add up anyways. And, Congratulations!Comhghairdeas! Here's some of the closest I saw right off the bat. But about halfway down, there are actual engraved wedding bands. Check those out. PHRASE: Mo anam cara PRONOUNCED: muh ann-imm karrah MEANING: My soulmate PHRASE: Gra, Dilseacht, Cairdeas PRONOUNCED: graw, deel-shockt, korr-djass MEANING: Love, Loyalty, Friendship PHRASE: Gra Go Deo PRONOUNCED: graw guh djoe MEANING: Love forever Full disclosure. Divored an Irish gal. Have an Irish family but I'm Canadian, through and through...