Experts are describing this as "Totally Pro" and "Insanely funny". In others news I recently received the self appointed title "Experts".
For the sake of OP's sanity, please keep religion arguments out of this thread and acknowledge these people are bigots, and that this is as funny as Hell.
British Catholic Jewish Homosexual Elite.
That comedian is stupid. Just ignore Westboro church and hopefully they will go away. Ugg this comedian is annoying me worse than the westboro.
How are they not in an asylum? That's hilarious.
Lmao good shit.
Edited by MyNameIsCharlie: 2/28/2013 2:56:45 PM
Started a new topic: Why hasn't anyone attempted to kill the WBC yet?(35 Replies))
The comments in that YouTube video are cancer
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaja that shit is -blam!-ing hilarious! How could people be so ignorant
lol, stupid people.
I seriously would enjoy it if someone killed each one of these people. They're the worst people in this world and you would be doing the rest of us a kindness exterminating them.
It wasn't that funny. I mean, dont get me wrong, the WBC needs to be disintegrated and the leaders should go to prison for child abuse, but outside of that, they shouldn't be getting and further attention. [spoiler]Although, the dildo mic was pretty -blam!-ing good...[/spoiler]
I'd go up to those people with a "god is not real" sign while wearing the deal with it glasses [spoiler]this is a joke I would probably go with a sign saying "I support the gays" while wearing a you can't judge me kind of shirt[/spoiler]
-blam!-ing hilarious
saw that a while ago.
I thought this was funny too.
Comedic genius XD
Wow. Finally, a video about making fun of the WBC that says it's funny.... and is actually funny. We need more of these.
I already made a topic about this.... [url=]wanna see?[/url]
It was funny. Especially the dildo mike. But, to be honest, the WBC pisses me off so much that they irritate me even when they are being trolled. I wish someone would put two bullets in the back of their heads.
Dear god, people are seriously that stupid?
That made me feel better after my shitty day.
He has some good points and the lady at the end is a complete moron, actually they all are
I used to love Slayer's "God Hate's us All".
That was a amusing. I have actually never seen a protest from these guys. Where are they located anyway?