I was hoping [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url] would not be censored on bungie.new. Please make it typable on the final version of this website, or at least on the next update.
Nope. This way amuses me. For all the comments about the profanity filter, that word came up the most. Not anything else that shouldn't have been in there (like gay, or sexual, or anything like that), most just whined about not being able to say that word. To bad - not only is this funny and fits with my trollish sense of humor, but it ensures that (once you read the wikipedia entry) that you know what was censored. This way, you can't claim that people don't understand your post, while at the same time looking like a complete moron if you are falling into the trap of Godwin's Law.
It's hilarious and much better than [i]blam[/i].
I'm sure Achronos will uncensor it if you can prove Godwin wrong.
Make up a newer creative word to replace it. Seems to work for me.
For what purpose?
But it's more amusing this way.