So which is the better game?
I prefer Rugby League over american football.
Edited by rocketFox: 2/24/2013 10:09:47 PMRugby. I have no problem with American football but for me rugby is superior in every way.
Rugby, obviously. Why would I like 'Murrica Football, they barely play due to all the stops.
rudgy, ulster ftw!
I prefer Football, but even then the constant stopping of play and commercial breaks is a killer. The NFL needs to speed up the game big time.
LOL this thread
I'm a huge rugby fan. But I want to play some 'Murican "Football" to show you pussies and gimps how its done! Does anyone here even play rugby?! Or do we watch a clip on YouTube and think we know it all.
I prefer Rugby. The stopping and starting of American Football is just boring to me.
I'd rather watch gladiators fight...That shows bravery, skill, and endurance.
Football is a million times better. better to watch Better to play Harder to play
Scientific study. Hmm yeah, Rugby sure looks alot harder to play. 3 vs 13. LOL
Rugby because it's played by real men, not pussies in protective gear. Now, don't get me wrong, I'd rather play with the protective gear (but would not ever play at all) but the point is that the people who are supposed to be engaging in the sport deserve more respect for doing so without pussy-protective gear (though I'd prefer the protective gear myself) than to wear the pussy gear. So therefore rugby is better (because it's not for pussies like me, but real men).
There both boring as -blam!-.
Edited by Telec: 2/24/2013 7:06:37 PMIf you're going to watch League rather than Union, you might as well be watching American Football. Oh, and Rugby is better. Continuous play is far better than stopping and starting. If I wanted turn-based strategy I'd get whichever iteration of pokemon is currently doing the rounds.
I know nothing about Ruby and I'm okay with that.
Rugby any day.
Rugby came first. /thread
Rugby obviously. That picture you showed tells us why.
Rugby is the superior sport!