We all know the colossal failure and disappointment that Aliens: Colonial Marines was. The fact remains though: why is it so difficult to make a good Aliens game?
Pitchford is freaking out over the criticism on his Twitter. Except some of the criticism is actually quite polite.
Movies should never be made into games.
But really, why is it so difficult to make a good Aliens game?
Alien 3 for sega was okay...
At this point I'd take a remake of the Atari Jaguar AVP game.
They need a dev who is willing to make an Aliens game, not a modern shooter with Aliens. Something that sends shivers down you spine... something that makes you feel weak on all but the lowest difficulty... and some decent AI.
AvP 2010 was pretty good I thought...definitely better than Colonial Marines.
Aliens and LOTR (aside from lotro) games are always destined for failure.
[url=http://kotaku.com/5984068/how-aliens-colonial-marines-fell-apart]It's not totally Gearbox's fault...[/url]
We should all thank every shitty small game developer that has touched the Aliens franchise because after this recent trash, no other dev especially a big one will never get close to this franchise ever again.
I swear to a higher power, i kept saying that people should stop buying the awful Alien/Predator games that keep coming out, but noooo. Let's keep buying them telling the developers and producers that everything's just peachy, instead of actually boycotting the damn things so they make something half decent sometime in the next decade.
Guess Im not buyin this game now like I was planning.
I'm still reeling from that horrible disappointment. The worst thing is, it's like they just half-assed the whole game. The flaws were just across the board. The one positive thing I can say is that they nailed the environments, they look very much like the source material.
What exactly didn't you like about it?
Natural Selection 2?
Did it really suck? Well i'm glad I bought Dead Space 3 and NHL 13 over it.
Needed more nudity