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Edited by A 3 Legged Goat: 2/18/2013 10:16:36 PM

Spartan Ops Season 1

Season 1 has ended today. Even though I haven't played it, I've been hearing some things over on GAF. So if you've finished it, what did you think of the ending, and Spartan Ops as a whole? Obviously there will be spoilers so be warned.

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  • I played 0 matches of Spartan Ops. Completely useless section of the game to me. Would have much rather seen firefight mode.

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    • I am very interested to see how Halsey will enact her revenge

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      • Edited by Caayn: 2/18/2013 7:47:59 PM
        The CGI cutscenes where fun to watch but the gameplay was mediocre. The gameplay is pretty much this throughout all 10 episodes: *OOooohh so you defeated the enemies over there huh. How about you kill some enemies over here because they protect this button. While you are at it let me teleport some new enemies infront of you. Still don't like it? Ok, than let me equip 90% of the enemies with fuel rod guns. That shoot more accurate jackal-snipers in Halo 3. Awhh how cute you are going to respawn, here let me help you by spawning you infront of a group of enemies. Huh dead again? Let me spawn you again infront of another group of enemies.* I don't like that 343i decide to make Halsey look like your average mad scientist. This started with the novels from Karin Traviss, where Halsey's character made a 180 degree turn. Overall it was fun to play, but it has no replay value for me. As for the ending I'm curious to see where 343i takes the story next. Edit: Anyone knows why Halsey's arm was cut off? She was shot in her shoulders not her arm, so why cut off the arm?

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        • -blam!-

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        • God damn necromancers. Where's the holy water?

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        • I so wanted to like Spartan Ops, but it just got really repetitive. Only a few chapters here and there were different enough to be interesting.

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          • Spartan Ops needed to be better. Does anyone know when Season 2 will release? IF it releases on Halo 4 that is.

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          • Edited by Bloodylaser: 6/6/2013 9:10:10 PM
            the second part of season 1 was so much better especially the lich battle

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          • I don't understand how Jul was able to send Requiem on a collision course with it's sun, unless I am missing something.

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          • Edited by ROBERTO jh: 2/18/2013 8:00:24 PM
            [quote]I don't like that 343i decide to make Halsey look like your average mad scientist. This started with the novels from Karin Traviss, where Halsey's character made a 180 degree turn. [/quote] They didn't change anything about Dr. Halsey's character; they introduced [i]other[/i] characters who don't see her as the saintly mary sue she was written as and added conflict where such potential had always been ignored. Halsey had always been a rule breaker to save her own skin--that this community, that so often states Ghosts of Onyx as one of their favorite books, can't tell from her actions in those books that she had a degree of selfishness to her, is frankly embarassing. She kidnapped a Spartan and abandoned everyone else in a crucial battle, including the Chief, so she could get to Onyx and learn what was to be learned there. Like the Didact, she is a conflicted character. Not wholly evil because she does in fact still care for humanity, but not wholly good either because, as she stated, the fact that she will never know all of the knowledge in the universe before she dies is starting to creep up on her, warping her actions. And she's a brilliant scientist who kidnapped and tortured children; her moral event horizon has already passed. Halsey's actions in today's episode are almost definitely a ruse against 'Mdama. She'll play his game until she's safe.

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            • The missions were pretty fun, they were all on previous maps but there are some huge new areas that open up and were pretty fun to play on - specifically the mission where you have to board the Lich, really enjoyed that. As for the story, my mouth was totally agape when we found out Jul cut off Halsey's arm to save her. I'm looking forward to seeing where this strand of the story goes in Season 2 since we've got the whole thing with the Absolute Record and the Janus Key to worry about. It's a shame to say goodbye to Requiem after only 3 months, but the story has to move forward to other places - and I wonder if all the Promethean-Knights are dead or if Jul took some with him... All that said, I did think that the ending felt pretty abrupt and could've done more to give some hints as to what we can possibly expect next. Overall, Spartan Ops has been a mixed success for me. After the [i]unbearable[/i] first 5 Episodes, they got their shit together and delivered some really great missions. I hope they learn from what they've done well and poorly in Season 1 and manage to give us a much more well-rounded Season 2 - which I imagine will take a good few months to complete.

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              • Hopefully 343 will fulfill my dream of flying a broadsword in spartan ops next season.

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              • Wow, the Covenant must have the -blam!-iest healthcare plans if that's all they could do for Halsey.

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              • Still haven't downloaded the second half.

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              • Edited by Circadian Wolf: 2/25/2013 11:48:07 AM
                Not sure about halsey getting her arm chopped off, but the idea of her as a villain is very interesting. It's clear Jul was fighting a loosing battle on requiem, implying the UNSC has surpassed the covenant in military power. Having halsey on Juls side may just tip the balance back in his favour, as she developed quite a few of the key assets used by humanity to fight the covenant. I'm interested to see where the story will go from here. Halsey is such a complex character that you're never quite sure if she's the hero or the villain. Gameplay-wise episodes 6-10 were certainly a step up from episodes 1-5 but it was still pretty mediocre at most parts. Lots of button pressing and covie shooting ect.

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              • It's all about running about and pressing buttons so you can run "Sort this shit out.exe"

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              • Here's my summary of the entire season: Button pressing. I liked the Liche battle and the cutscenes though.

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              • I for one liked it. It was pretty tedious in the first half, but the second half had far superior maps and a lot more story development in the actually game.

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              • That was crap; I'm probably just going to watch the free cutscenes on youtube for season two.

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                • Personally I think Halsey is lying through her teeth to create some sort of common goal with Jul to ensure her survival. She will turn on him when she has the chance to come back to the UNSC, she's not that idiotic to think that all of Crimson was out to get her. No idea what the obsession with revenge is with 343i. Didact wants revenge and now so does Halsey. So does Osman and Palmer really hates Halsey as well. Haven't quite worked out how removing Halseys arm would have saved her life. Surely that would just mean she's now bleeding badly from her bullet wound and her missing arm?? Anyone work out what a Harvester is yet? Gameplay was boring and predictable the entire way through Spartan Ops. They need something new to mix it up, but it's too late for that. As for Season 2..... I'd rather 343i focus on Halo 5 and make sure it's actually [i]complete[/i] when they release it.

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                  4 Replies
                  • Edited by Lord Commissar: 2/18/2013 7:43:04 PM
                    I haven't played through it yet but some of the stuff I've heard is downright retarded. "Hurr someone got shot in da arm ima cut it off so they can b k!" "Herp im Halsey an cause of Karen Travisties bitchfest I' done do a 180 with muh personlities an want to destroy da YOUENESCEEE cuz dey r mean guys even doh i jus gave dem da key 2 evrthing 1 epizode erlier"

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                    • From a gameplay perspective episode 10 was pretty tedious, outside of the Harvester levels. I never want to see Apex again. -blam!- that map with a rusty fork. Warrens was okay the first time through but I hated the backtrack. I hate all mantis segments. [spoiler]But I enjoyed the story portion of it. The final chapter was exciting, it almost felt like watching a season finale on TV, where you know [i]something[/i] is going to happen, but you don't know what. I was expecting Palmer and Majestic to get lit up. I like idea of Halsey as a villain, especially a pissed off one-armed Halsey. I'll give some points to whoever thought that one up.[/spoiler] If I'm gonna cough up for season 2, two things need to happen. First, it has to be playable offline. Second, stop repeating environments, and ripping environments from other parts of the game. As if Vortex wasn't awful enough as a multiplayer map, I couldn't even tolerate it in spartan ops. Oh and episodes 6 and 7 were by far the best.

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                    • The Exodus Conclusion was a LOT more grim than what I was expecting. [spoiler]And what the hell happened to Halsey's arm?![/spoiler]

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                      • Probably two episodes out of the ten were actually enjoyable. The ending and all of episode ten, well, I didn't like it at all.

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                      • Edited by TnkBeatsEvythng: 2/19/2013 8:59:27 AM
                        Well, honestly it was their first Season. The first half was enh, the missions were great, it's just a LOT of enemies to kill! But it's fun, just funner with more people. Don't do it on Legendary if you're trying to enjoy it, unless that's the kind of thing you enjoy. The levels do get monotonous, playing on the same level more than once, but I understand why, since it sounds like Spartan Ops was a last minute edition. The second half of the season was better than the first...But I do recommend playing all of the chapters, even from the first half. The cinematic's were great, it's just kind of frustrating since it's progressed some story wise...But I'm still wanting a lot more. It seemed to take a while to build up, and at the end, [spoiler] The UNSC just has another enemy they wouldn't have had if certain events that shouldn't have happened, happened. But I suppose that's how all enemies are made. (Jul M'dama shouldn't have been allowed to explore forerunner ruins, Halsey shouldn't have had a hit put out) I hope that Halsey doesn't go crazy and start enacting revenge, but 343 already chopped off her arm, sent Cortana into oblivion, I'm not sure what to expect. I'm sitting here thinking "I trusted you 343! What have you done?" while I still do, I just hope that it doesn't get ridiculous/crazy. Such as Cortana really being gone. [/spoiler] All in all, I look forward to a second season, since I suspect it will be MUCH better than the first since they'll have had more time to plan it with the feedback they've been given. I'm just hoping for better cutscenes where if your pelican crashes, there is actually that cutscene and you having to get out, instead of "Bam! Your pelican crashed! But you're Ok, and standing outside it." (We know you can put our actual Spartans in the cutscenes 343!) So yes, Spartan ops overall was good. Play through on Easy if that's what it takes, but I suggest playing through them at least once, that way you'll appreciate it when they're better if nothing else =D

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                      • Loved the combat in Episode 10. So many enemies everywhere was awesome and crazy (type of combat I adore in Halo) to see especially in tight quarters. The new opened up areas were awesome although a Scorpion or two would have been better than a bunch of Warthogs on Apex. The last mission saw the return of the barricade of Elites with Fuel Rods but it was not unbearable. Keep your distance and expose yourself as little as possible. It forced you to change your play style constantly or pay the price in deaths. A lot of deaths. I very much enjoyed it. Although I like the addition of the Harvester it feels redundant as it basically has the same purpose as a Scarab. But it wasnt something that really bothered me. Story wise I had crossed fingers Palmer would die but oh well. Halsey is to her tricks as usual, being severly underestimated yet again. Im sure it is just a ruse but I really hope she has a new hatrid for ONI. A deserved one that comes with almost being killed. I wouldnt be surprised if she gave out info on ONI to Jul. I very much enjoyed the season and might consider getting a second depending on price and locales among other things.

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