Well as the title suggests, should we petition to Bring Destiny to the PC platform?
I'm currently writing a petition up but am not sure if it is necessary.Therefore, I ask the community if it's really necessary.
I am among others very disappointed that Bungie hasn't announced Destiny on the PC.
It's pretty upsetting that a game so ambitious would skip out on a powerful platform like the PC. Bungie has its roots in the Mac and PC gaming community; therefore, I'd love it if they consider developing Destiny for the PC among other consoles.
So what do you guys think?
Petitions are bad. Petitions are confrontational and not collaborative. Petitions are a way of saying "we don't think that you listen to us, so now we are going to threaten in order to make you do something that you don't want to, because WE want you to." Petitions work on politicians because politicians only care about keeping their position. Petitions are far less effective on creative artists because they don't create what other people want, they create what they want and then let people decide whether or not they personally like it or not. We used to have a "no petitions" rule and I believe that my speculation (above) was the main reason behind it. The rule no longer exists, but I still think that petitions are a crappy way to try to influence someone else to comply to your will. Especially someone who isn't being confrontational with you, but you choose to be confrontational with them.
Windows 10. Look it up.
It's supposed to already be in the works, so no petition needed!
[quote] It's pretty upsetting that a game so ambitious would skip out on a powerful platform like the PC.[/quote] Powerful platform! No offence but that made me laugh so much
[quote]Well as the title suggests, should we petition to Bring Destiny to the PC platform? I'm currently writing a petition up but am not sure if it is necessary.Therefore, I ask the community if it's really necessary. I am among others very disappointed that Bungie hasn't announced Destiny on the PC. It's pretty upsetting that a game so ambitious would skip out on a powerful platform like the PC. Bungie has its roots in the Mac and PC gaming community; therefore, I'd love it if they consider developing Destiny for the PC among other consoles. So what do you guys think?[/quote]um how about nnnoooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! Bungie already said no like a hundred times
Edited by Bubbers___: 1/31/2014 10:03:04 PMNo because we would be making it harder for Bungie to be developing Destiny on 5 different platforms also Too late to put Destiny on PC too far in development. Annnnnnnd now I realise this is a old thread
PC gamers whine and moan when consoles are added to the platforms, The Witcher comes to mind, but I would say no seeing as it might slow down bungie pushing destiny or its future sequels/dlc for us console gamers. If you want it that bad buy a console.
Bungie knows that people want Destiny on PC, and I'm sure that if they could port it, they would, and perhaps they will some time in the future. A petition wouldn't change anything.
PC.................................................….....................................................................................................................................WHY NOT!!
No go away, consoles are better
i think that destiny would be fantastic on pc
Destiny would be cool on pc but without all those mods and hackers
I believe it will be on PC after the initial console release. Just give it time.
I say that you should make the petition but make it in a way that asked to make a port after the console release to not anger hard core console gamers.
Edited by OdiRiker: 2/2/2014 10:54:04 PMit will slow there creation down due to making the items on all the pc's and consoles .. so its a bad move if you ask me it cuts there promises .. if bungie wants it that way to go on pc then they will do it later..if not, then it will not happen .. i can not say what pc gamers shuld do about this.. thats between them and bungie ... if it happens it makes it better for pc gamers. but worse for console gamers to what it could have been.. or should i say worse to the game it's self..
They did consider it.. Ya can't win em all.
A petition wouldn't force them to make it, it would just get them to make another official statement on it, once again saying not yet.
Having Destiny on PC would actually be a good idea. Everybody is only saying no because they're console gamers that feel like they're "getting back" at PC gamers just because they have a game that PC gamers dont, and this is coming from a console gamer.
No let bungie take there time with a pc port this has been said many times a pc port with 4 other consoles would stretch them too thin
Is no one paying any attention at all to the date on this thread? Can we please let this one die?
Bungie is already developing for four different consoles, and that alone seems to be difficult enough. They have not said that PC will never get Destiny - in fact, most signs point to a PC release sometime after the main launch, like with GTAV. You'll get your game. Don't worry.