Does anyone have any idea about that QRCode for Tuesday?
e: I now have /827932860147_ _ _68_ _ _ _ because I can't do the QRCode, or the box thing, and I can't make out the last digit of the inner circle in [url=]this one[/url].
Something else of note: the days' order is 1, 3, 5, 7, 2, 4, 6. Coincidence? I think not!
1, 3, 5, 7, 2, 4, 6? whats that?
odds & evens
so whats the purpose behind it? Sorry if I am little out of the loop I have been following this ARG but some little things i'm still unsure about.
Oh, I've no idea, haha. I just know that Hylebos came up with an order somehow and I noticed it happened to first count by odds, and then by the remaining evens.
/827932020147---02-.html Is what I have. All of the old puzzles are still in place, btw. The QR code will just lead to Tuesday's image.
Grood, we're within brute forcing range, assuming everything is correct.
Oh, i see. Well I think a set of number should come in to view, then in due time. I shall just wait and let people do work while I do the simple number arranging. And I'm sure you're right with the interlaced numbers one and the 020.