I'm here to interrupt this thread with what Kat would have looked like, had she been poorly designed. Courtesy of rawksaur.
But she wasn't, and isn't that enough to think that Bungie should be trusted to not attempt to crush the sternum of their armor-clad warrior-women? Don't get me wrong, it is an argument that must be made as many people seem uninformed or misinformed, but I don't think Bungie will be making that mistake.
They were mature with Kat, and immature with Cortana. They're at a dead even unpredictability if you ask me.
Good point, but did they attempt to do anything other than make Cortana a naked hologram? Actually, I don't know if that helped my argument or harmed it. Dead even at unpredictability, I agree now.
Wanna know the sad truth? She was poorly designed. 2 words. "Dat ass." I'll be changing the industry one of these days...
Hey, nobody said that you can't at least make a call for change now.
That is true, but getting in the inside isn't easy. And once I am inside, I doubt I'll have any influence when it comes to designing a proper female character, especially if the project is being made by a really large team.
It takes one person to say, "this armor design is going to get someone -blam!-ing killed." Maybe you don't revolutionize an entire project, but it can get people thinking.
Hmmm. Good point. Thanks Cortana Five.
Oh my god, is she using the little soft things on the Xbox mic as a battle bra?
I'm going to find a couple of those and stick them in my shirt.
Edited by Grizzlei: 2/17/2013 3:15:30 AMSweetie, umm...well, ehhh, [i][b]I WOULDN'T DO THAT![/b][/i]
You're famous now. <3
I think she would've looked more like [url=http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/25400000/-Lumpy-Space-Princess-adventure-time-with-finn-and-jake-25461817-800-575.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/adventure-time-with-finn-and-jake/images/25461817/title/lumpy-space-princess-fanart&h=575&w=800&sz=63&tbnid=BIH2QPSnkFOXNM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=125&zoom=1&usg=__2yhtg_5ogQBeH64pKE0X6Az5_18=&docid=ZcHap8EEVSgqSM&sa=X&ei=RUYgUeHeJ6ry0QGk_4Aw&ved=0CEQQ9QEwAw&dur=1564]this[/url]
Oh my glob!