Women currently go to great lengths and endure the most uncomfortable and impractical attire for the sake of fashion. Why would that change in the future?
Edited by Cortana Five: 2/17/2013 2:02:40 AM[url=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_zi1xbJnr5gw/TAV06gWhZwI/AAAAAAAABFM/GquhGjNFtkE/s1600/runway_model_ana_anamia_proana_skinny_slim_girl_show.jpg]This[/url] is on a runway. [url=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/287/7/c/kerrigan_by_andrewpoison-d30qa0l.jpg]This[/url] is on a battlefield. On one, we care about looks, on the other, we care about survival.
Sorry. I thought I was over the top enough to show I was joking.
Oh, I knew that, but for other people who didn't. :P