[quote]12/23/2014 Edit:[b] [u]This thread was made before Destiny was released. [/u][/b]We didn't know how things were going to be yet![/quote]
There's a certain type of response that I'm expecting for this thread (immature and full of boob jokes), and then there's a certain kind of response I'm looking for (responsible conversation). I'm not telling either of you types of posters to leave. It's okay.
I would like to talk about breasts. Specifically, armored breasts. I don't want Destiny to go down a dark path of poor anatomy.
Allow me to say that the more unbalanced the ratio of female to male artists there are on a project, the higher the likelihood of us seeing game armor like [url=http://pds22.egloos.com/pmf/201101/18/68/e0072368_4d34afdf54228.jpg]this[/url]. It's annoying enough to have two melons on your chest, but when they're held up by gravity-defying pieces or metal, that's painful. Bras filled with cushioning and breathable material can still be painful. Imagine chicken wire holding up your moobs.
But that's an over-the-top fantasy MMO, not a space opera. So let's pick a space opera. [url=http://loschaos.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Mass-Effect-Ash-and-Shepard.jpg]Why does the world of Mass Effect require lady lumps on armor?[/url] Why are those emphasized boob pieces necessary in a game that made some huge strides in female representation in games? Do sports bras not exist there? Can we top that off with the idea of a blunt object going towards someone's chest? [url=http://media.tumblr.com/74cddede528b5731359fcfec48885cbd/tumblr_inline_mgc3zjXIsW1rnp9q5.png]Lady lump armor will make things slide into the -blam!-ing sternum[/url]. You know, the bone right in front of a shit ton of vital organs.
So what's the solution for this problem?
1. Cut a hole in the box.
2. Make sure your artists/modelers are well versed in proper female anatomy.
3. [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ag4C0MFRnmE]Buy a sports bra[/url].
4. Take the awesome male armor you had before and put a woman in it. Don't get me wrong! People come in all shapes and sizes. Breastplates will sometimes need to be a bit bigger for some people and some people will need slimmer sets of power armor. Sometimes people wear form-fitting armor, but that still doesn't excuse outlining the breasts on the armor. [url=http://shop.nordstrom.com/S/yummie-tummie-joelle-shaping-tank/3218774?origin=related-3218774-0-0-1-1-Rich%20Relevence]Even casual form-fitting clothes do not work that way.[/url] What you get is the "uniboob."
[b]Wanting armor that caters to the female anatomy doesn't justify overcompensating for the female anatomy.[/b] Armored breasts do not need to be [url=http://www.wethegamerz.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/me3duo.jpg]lifted and separated when one encapsulated piece suffices in the first place[/url].
You think I'm kidding? I'm -blam!-ing serious.
I came in expecting a plea for breasts in Destiny and left pleasantly surprised. Good thread, my friend.
Women currently go to great lengths and endure the most uncomfortable and impractical attire for the sake of fashion. Why would that change in the future?
Thank you. This is so true.
Edited by Sick Perv: 2/17/2013 2:08:44 AMI have reviewed your argument, but I will not, nor will I ever chance my stance on this matter. Sexy armor is the best kind of armor. Besides it's a video game, set in space, any sense of reality is already thrown out the window. I say we just let Bungie do what they see fit, and create whatever armor models they wdesire. If they want it to be purely aesthetic based, then I'm fine with that. If they want it to be practical, I'll grudgingly support it. Still I know they'll make the right decision.
I definitely can't find myself disagreeing with you.
The threads I read while waiting for youtube videos to load...
It's hard to take this thread seriously when the first thing I see is a video by that chick on youtube with the annoying voice. It's Bungie working on this they won't make the woman in the game go fight in a bikini made out of steel.
Since when did having boobs get annoying? I want to flaunt them to the world! ...well, expect when I'm being chased down by people wanting to kill me and my species. Then it's time to cover them baddies up. Anyhoo, I agree with all of this!
Boobs? *likes*
it differentiates. Think about it like this- Bungie is obviously going to go for huge amounts of player customization (I'm hoping for a lot more than Reach or Halo 4... I'm hoping WoW level, hah). I imagine it will be possible to choose a male and female character. so the question becomes... why would you pick female? Why pick it if it looks just like a dude? By picking female characters, you get to show that your character is a woman. It makes it more obvious. In Mass Effect if I had my helmet on all day on my Femshep character and had regular armor? No difference between my Shep and my Femshep. They're giving you the option to differentiate yourself. Provide more character customization. Though I will concede that the first picture might not be... well, exactly suitable or necessary. Though I do approve of it as a man. ^.^
This article popped up on Gamasutra back during the height of the Lara Croft thing last year. There's a lot of good information there as well. #Destiny #Art #Females
Edited by A 3 Legged Goat: 2/17/2013 1:53:28 AMlol I saw your tweet and wasn't sure if you were really being serious till now. A woman who is wearing armor is likely to be physically active, meaning those melons are going to be bouncing in a lot of different directions. "Lumps" could be considered 'cupholders' in the sense that they secure them in place; however, that exposes the sternum as you've said, which is just poor design. Therefore, a hybrid of the lump mechanism together with a properly armored breastplate would be the most efficient method. Perhaps lumps that are reinforced by a centered vertical plate protecting the inversion of the chest. Whatever the case, as long as it's designed to be practical rather than presentable.
Did you have particular problems with Kat's armour in Reach?
What a radical idea! [url=http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/307430_10151520592072502_647064572_n.jpg]Questioning my choice of attire.[quote][/quote][/url]
I really hope they make the female armor similar to the male armor. They did good with Halo, I think
I'm thinking maybe we'll see something similar to female Mjolnir armor. I always liked the way they look.
So, this basically.
Maybe lighter armor as far as overall mass goes just because, on average, women are definitely lighter than men and thus most likely cannot hold the same armor weight, but other than that I agree; armor doesn't need to nor should it fit any curvatures of a woman more so than it does a man.
BOOBS! Also, have the male armor would most likely be most realistic approach to armor. Plus I imagine the female game armor would be rather uncomfortable, as well as possibly life-threatening, seeing as there's a huge target to the center of your ribs. What if you got thrown somewhere. I'd imagine that kind of force to your sternum would be very very painful. Also, boobs.
Edited by Spartan Ken 15: 2/17/2013 1:49:16 AM... I don;t see this thread playing out very well. Wait till the replies come in.
Edited by Arky: 2/17/2013 1:43:06 AMArmor is different for women. The less it looks like it protects, the better it actually is.