The urge from a week or two back hasn't left me, I want to make movies, I have so many good ideas and I want them to be displayed to the public as clearly as they are in my head.
1. Morgan freeman is the grim reaper, a doucmentary style film where they follow him for a day as he goes to old folks homes killing people.
2. What appears to be a horrific futuristic alien war is actually just disinfectant fighting bacteria on a toilet. (you discover that at end of film)
3. A penguin is killed and sent to mars. Int he future a group of humans finally land on mars and see the penguin, they think penguins have mastered space travel so we kill them all.
I would like to see a film of a serious drama of someone slowly loosing their sanity through mental illness. Those sorts of films are good. Through small amounts of action in and it's good to go.