One gives us an even better look at our four-eyed friends!
Image below may prove that the game will [b]NOT be a timed Xbox exclusive.[/b]
P.S. Bungie,
The PC says it wants your game. [url=]Really, really, badly.[/url]
Will these posters be exclusive to those who pre-order at gamestop?
I work at FedEx and I saw a lot of tall thin boxes that were from Activision that said "Do no open until end of workday 2/17" and I think they called it the "2/18 marketing kit." There were 2 or 3 different types of boxes and one was labeled "top of Activision Tower." They usually have the game labeled on them but this one was very vague and there were a ton of them. I mean a ton. I've never seen so many for a game, let alone one that doesn't have a release date yet. Some of them were pretty tall. A real pain in the ass to fit into the shipping containers.
I love how at the bottom in the last image how it has to point out that Microsoft didn't publish it and that Activision has nothing to do with Halo :P
I think I'm just going to fall asleep, and hope when I wake up its Sunday night.
This game is going to be awesome. I cant wait to get some details tomorrow.
Someone is a naughty gamestop employee?
This proves that the game is coming out this year. They wouldn't send out pre-order posters a year before they release the game. That just gets me more hipped. -BLAM- I can't wait!
Edited by Trentonimor: 2/15/2013 10:20:07 PM
Liked the comment on the first link; "[i]it's good thing bungie is independent and only have to listen to activision time frames while they pay the bills[/i]" Guessing (like many) that deluded sole has not read [url=]the contract[/url], in particular the reference on page 2; "[i]in the event of a deadlock, Activision shall have the tie-breaking vote[/i]". How will that work for the "[i]independent bungie[/i]" ... let vote on charging for subscriptions for new world expansions; - bungie vote against (yeah, as if), - activision vote for (of course) - tie break vote to activision. 3 to 1 vote, activision wins (and wind EVERY TIME). As for that subscription model (ie pay for the base game, then pay again for ongoing world expansion), refer; "[i]business model for the Products is a blend of retail packaged goods sales, digital download, [b]subscriptions[/b], downloadable content, value-added services and micro~trarrsactions[/i]". Funny ... the original subscription model included an initial lower buy in ... ie pay less for the initial game ... but that phrase has disappeared in recent conversations?
I'm not a SKU expert, but what's 84656 reserved for?
I'm going straight to Gamestop when this is available for pre-order.
[quote]P.S. Bungie, The PC says it wants your game. [url=]Really, really, badly.[/url][/quote] It sure does.
The pre-orders can start on Monday at Gamestop's correct? I though I heard that somewhere and I just wanna confirm. This game looks AWESOME!!!
I actually can't wait to dive into this new universe Bungie has created. This truly does sound like a revolutionary game. Love you Bungie <3
Wait guys.... What about PS4 and Xbox 720??? Where's the pre-order card for those platforms? I smell shenanigans...
The other side of that poster looks freaking awesome!! Look at the bottom of the preorder card on the destructoid page, all that stuff about Halo is owned by Microsoft and Activision have nothing to do with Halo. Looks like the lawyers have been having fun.
I wonder when this game comes out. The second links seems to indicate it will be released December 31st. It might be arbitrary though.
It looks like an Elite Ultra from Reach.
Can't wait!
[quote]P.S. Bungie, The PC says it wants your game. [url=]Really, really, badly.[/url] <3[/quote][quote]P.S. Bungie, The PC says it wants your game. [url=]Really, really, badly.[/url] <3[/quote][quote]P.S. Bungie, The PC says it wants your game. [url=]Really, really, badly.[/url] <3[/quote]
I don't know why I'm so hyped for this game when so little details are available, but I just am. Totally pre-ordering this.
I bet my Gamestop doesn't have any.
I'm throwing my money at the screen but nothing's happening!