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We are all American (unless you're not and reading this anyway), and we share some of the most basic, foundational views on the world together. We've fought through WWII together and freed the slaves together. We fought for civil rights for all backgrounds and have died together for religious freedom. Most importantly we uphold the right to free speech; our most favored right of all.
Sure we disagree on some laws, but when Iran, North Korea, al-Qaeda, China, or Russia wants to play hard ball, we put aside our petty differences as we have against the nawtzees and we fight for what we all believe in: freedom.
Twisted Love is an idiot who has no world perspective. Liberals and conservatives respectfully disagree, no one wants to kill members of the other party except for those void of all sanity.
I completely agree with this coming from a conservative. If someone truly loves our country, I don't care what views they have or don't have.