He's hilarious. I mean, just listen to this^.
He's annoying.
Jon Pinette >>> Dane Cook
I mean, I guess he was funny when he first hit the big time, but his jokes got old and stale quickly.
He's not bad but still one of the less funny comedians.
For some reason, I read that as cock sucks. Anyways... I saw some of his standup, it was funny. Saw something, I think it was that movie about the warehouse store, it was decent, but forgettable. And he was forgettable to me. So yeah.
I like his facial expressions.
When trying to prove someone is funny, go with an example which proves he isn't.
Probably bandwagon hating. I don't find him to be top notch, but he definitely doesn't suck.
cuz im a hipster #OnlyHipstersWillDisagree