Awesome cutscene, though I still cannot stand Palmer. You are directly in front of the leader of the Storm Covenant, and instead of taking him out first, you shoot Halsey (Missing the kill shot, by the way), who is essentially being framed by ONI. How the hell did you take control of the entire Spartan program? Chapter 1 was the best of the gameplay portions. The 3+ UNSC ships (I believe they aren't frigates, which suggest new reinforcements joining Infinity), and dozens of pelicans flying over Vortex was pretty cool. Sentinels return (Love), and the mysterious Black Knight who apparently causes a distortion when you go too close (Can't confirm, but have read multiple sources on it). David Ellis, on NeoGaf, posed the question of whether anyone truly understood what was going on in that Chapter, and I don't believe anyone has. Why did no one acknowledge The Librarian's answer (As if the player was meant to be the only one to hear. Why?), and what was helping Roland with the encryption?