Where do you want it to be? My vote is for a full on modern day game with desmond or one set in feudal japan (ninjas and samurai galore)
Edited by BritLemon: 2/10/2013 9:57:53 PM[quote]Where do you want it to be? My vote is for a full on modern day game with[b] [u]desmond[/u][/b] or one set in feudal japan (ninjas and samurai galore)[/quote][spoiler]Desmond died, so I doubt it.[/spoiler] I'm hoping for either a [url=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/163/d/0/victorian_assassin_by_wildlifehoodoo-d2yrjb4.jpg]Victorian England[/url] or a [url=http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/8/84064/1689281-cowboy_assassins_creed_super.jpg]Wild-West[/url] era game.