I've added 6 more output images to this one - I'm going to post a step by step now so that I can get some help with this.
Edited by freefall722: 2/17/2013 9:48:25 AM
Started a new topic: Cleaning up the FFT data(25 Replies))
Edited by Your MOM is MC: 2/12/2013 8:23:56 PMPlease do, I was running with three other guys who I was constantly asking how they did x, y then z. I eventually trotted off on my own. I got close to the actual full code but Bruce got it ahead of everyone. Anyone know the IRC for this?
Despite it being solved it would still be nice to have a step-by-step for tomorrow
working on it - someone might be able to automate the whole thing too. I'm doing the same thing each time.
Yeah, an automation of the process with the website linked by "your mom is mc" would make things fairly straight forward for tomorrow.