[url=http://alphalupi.bungie.net/?day=0]7 - Only the trusted few...[/url]
[url=http://alphalupi.bungie.net/?day=1]6 - Every moment matters...[/url]
[url=http://alphalupi.bungie.net/?day=2]5 - Is this how it's always been?[/url]
[url=http://alphalupi.bungie.net/?day=3]4 - Persistence is the key...[/url]
[url=http://alphalupi.bungie.net/?day=4]3 - You draw deep inside...[/url]
[url=http://alphalupi.bungie.net/?day=5]2 - Pushed to this place for a reason...[/url]
[url=http://alphalupi.bungie.net/?day=6]1 - There must be meanings in its roar...[/url]
Edited by DarkSunnyboy: 2/12/2013 6:02:38 AMI don't know what I'm doing.
So, I guess it's over till tomorrow? Eat a good breakfast Bungie.net Taskforce, we'll have more work ahead of ourselves I believe.
[quote]The best voices—voices that truly matter—never allow themselves be heard.[/quote][url=http://www.bungie.net/en-us/View/community/blog/News?aid=10208] From this mailsack[/url] Excellent question Gestuart88!
[url=http://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/18cfun/bungie_arg_is_up/c8do75q]Reddit source of find[/url]
Edited by MastaSin: 2/12/2013 5:46:44 AMFun fact: Alpha Lupi means in chinese "Imperial Guards".
Left side image clear
Ok so we have to map this as soon as all 7 are out? I got the feeling is some sort of path to something info.
Edited by coffeetunic: 2/12/2013 5:35:06 AMAnyone seen [url=http://i.imgur.com/BNR6L5j.png]this[/url] yet? Pulled it off of /v/, as it seems they have good photoshop people. It's a green channel shot, which reveals some numbers fairly clearly.
Edited by Evilcam: 2/12/2013 1:10:38 AMThe "x,y unclear/use (u.v)" is intriguing. I was not aware that there was a u, v set of cords for a Cartesian plot. Anyone understand Cartesian Graph theory?
This MUST be something... It's listed as a [i]background image[/i] of an [i]HTML style block[/i] in the [i]head[/i] of the instructions page. There is absolutely no reason for it to be there.
I am so excited. Get set troopers, this is gonna get hot.
Maybe I have to take my computer outside and use the rays of the sun to see the message? Black light?
Alpha Lupi = the misssing Link aka jerk levels over 9000.
Damn UV analysis I put the anal in analysis.
I have no idea how to -blam!-ing do this.
Edited by Ozzy Onya A2Z: 2/12/2013 4:58:04 AMYou can UV map a texture to a 3D object using Maya, Photoshop, 3DStudio and a range of other software like Blender UV for example. I don't believe there is enough images, clarity or data as yet. [b]Step 1. Coordinate[/b] us creating the traffic/regions to get the full right image and a clear left image. We need to do this each day. I believe we need to work out the pairing/distances here. Sheer numbers alone aren't going to be enough, we need to pair images with visitors over more than one viewer to solve. [b]Step 2. Combine[/b] is then stitching or layering those left hand images together (x, y). This will create one large texture or if we have to use many images per day perhaps an animated texture? [b]Step 3. Clarify[/b] is then using the right hand images against the clear left hand images to create a 3D map (u, v). Again if multiple images per day this could be the "pairs" we are looking for and would perhaps creating enough animated mapping or extrusion for the object? Once those are done we'll have a full texture and a full object (or two paired animations/keys) to map that texture/object. IMO this will not be solvable until all 7 days are completely clear. This is one potential answer but it seems too obvious and does not reference the radio interferometery aspects very well at all. Once we have the full set of images/maps I could run it through blender or 3ds max to get an output. The question is what object are we going to map to? Do the left hand images stitch/arrange to form a sphere texture or a square texture. If I think there are 7 days and only 1 left/right image per day then I don't really see square being a viable object for UV mapping. I could do a sphere just fine but realistically you're just going to see the same as the left hand images stitched together as one large texture. I'm thinking overall this will be a layered texture and will be used not just for UV mapping the texture to say a sphere but also using another filtration process to create a displacement texture map as well (being the right hand image). It just doesn't fit that well in my mind yet. [url=http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro/UV_Map_Basics]Here's a quick blender UV tutorial for you to get your head around where I think this may be heading.[/url] But I'm feeling this is too simple and does not take in enough of the hints Bungie are throwing at us.
This is gonna get awesome very soon...
Edited by Dark Elation: 2/12/2013 5:03:27 AMOk I definitely have a screen cap of the text. On the last line, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th letters are "ust" respectively. Does anyone know if Alpha Lupi is only visible in the southern hemisphere? Some of my other mods on the image are leading me to believe that word is Australia. We need graphic designers. I have no idea how to upload though so I need to send it to somebody....
Huh... the avatar is made especially for him. Seems legit...
Edited by Lord Revan: 2/12/2013 5:45:54 AMMentioned this earlier but didn't have the image. The left image to me illustrates the above Bungie Day header. The two brighter dots illustrate parallax with the lines forming the distance to the bigger circle (which is a sphere) above. The curved lines on the bottom represent a sphere below (edit: which now appears to be rotating around as the Earth spins). Something falling toward you. Or perhaps you're falling toward it.
Alright, definitely losing image clarity. Damn.
Again just want to inform everyone to please join us in the irc so that we can communicate in real time for this global effort.
Just can't stop staring at that retarded avatar.
Mob Attempt #2 will be at 11:00am PST. (7:00pm GMT) Details: http://misriahsolutions.com/arg/ Spread the word! We need help from all over the globe.