[url=http://alphalupi.bungie.net/?day=0]7 - Only the trusted few...[/url]
[url=http://alphalupi.bungie.net/?day=1]6 - Every moment matters...[/url]
[url=http://alphalupi.bungie.net/?day=2]5 - Is this how it's always been?[/url]
[url=http://alphalupi.bungie.net/?day=3]4 - Persistence is the key...[/url]
[url=http://alphalupi.bungie.net/?day=4]3 - You draw deep inside...[/url]
[url=http://alphalupi.bungie.net/?day=5]2 - Pushed to this place for a reason...[/url]
[url=http://alphalupi.bungie.net/?day=6]1 - There must be meanings in its roar...[/url]
Alright guys we're getting really close we just need more people in that 5 minute time frame so it becomes clearer.
Not sure it worked this time.
Am I right in assuming the images only update every 5 minutes?
Destiny The Game @DestinyTheGame You can be the first to see the reveal of #Destiny right here on Feb. 17 (T-Minus 5 days).
I got nothing different yet, you guys hit it?
Here's my cleaned up version of the image - the steps I'm using to do this get better each output I add (I got past the additive noise issue) So I'll keep uploading as I add more output to it
Edited by gestuart88: 2/12/2013 6:24:52 PMany ideas as to where the ONE of SEVEN symbols might fit in?
T-Minus 3 Minutes fellers.
Guys, I FTT'd the left image from yesterday and I came up with nothing. Today's image seems to be the only one producing any form of hidden clue with the FTT process.
What I have so far, i'll post a how to once I'm done, since there's a good possibility we'll have to do the same thing for each day. Also can we get more people to activate nodes? Or when is the next scheduled time?
Guys, it's official.
Edited by Hylebos: 2/12/2013 6:24:12 PM[url=https://twitter.com/DestinyTheGame]Imma going to drop this here...[/url] Credit technically belongs to Spawn >_>
Edited by Spartan Ken 15: 2/12/2013 6:22:04 PMhttp://www.bungie.net/en-US/View/community/blog/News?aid=10219 Check the home page everyone The game is officially confirmed to be called Destiny and we will get a reveal in a matter of days There are also links to OFFICIAL Bungie sources of info
Not sure if this would help at all, but using the 1904 map of Puerto Princesa, the profile page background, the alphalupi site background, and the Monday image, I was able to get everything somewhat lined up to where everything is on the map.
What I have so far.
Edited by Spartan Ken 15: 2/12/2013 5:17:48 PMFrom Neogaf Apparently people have found a QR code being made with the radio dots and right now it is halfway done. Bungie has done QR codes in the past so this might be something to watch for.
I know there is a connection between geomancy and ley lines and this global node thing seems to be related to ley lines aswell. Can someone cross refernce the global nodes we have with ley lines. How do we access the node locations?
Hey guys, if this is supposed to be a radio telescope, we have to have enough people in all locations that the array works properly. If enough people are between A and B, then the array is significantly stronger.
Basically are we just solving the days puzzle on the link listed to activate our node? Is that all I have to do, I'm at work right now but want to contribute something.
Current status. Definitely looks closer than an hour ago when I was last on. People may be prepping.
CALL YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY TO GET THEIR NODES ACTIVE (giggity) Seriously, the more people we have, the better concentrated this Radio Telescope will be.
Edited by Spartan Ken 15: 2/12/2013 4:56:45 PMSomeone tried to make a connection with the output chart. From /v/
I'm Curious. The Geomantic Figure to unlock the first day's Poem was Populus, the symbol that stands for The People. And lo and behold, the first poem was somewhat about voices inside of a larger wind, it gives me the impression that it is somewhat themed around that day's symbol. Today's symbol is Puer, latin for Boy. It stands for passion and war, and I will be interested to see if the contents of the poem match that.
Even though we have a planned hit for 2:00 PM EST, we should still try to make as many nodes active until then in the off chance we can get the image early.
Edited by Incno: 2/12/2013 5:26:05 PMawesome work yesterday and last night. looks like we will have to do it again today. people with photoshop skills if you need us to feed you images of the geomask just let us know, other than that lets hope the mob login will help as well. coordinated timer is here: http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20130212T11&p0=234&msg=Destiny+ARG+Day+Two EDIT: from thebruce in the IRC hes working on it, looks like a QR code today click the first link at the top of this post EDIT: countdown link updated