Anyone play Dead Space 3? How is it?
I don't have my Xbox up at college so I can't play it now
regenerator morphs lots of them ... let's just say 4 at the same time.. :o but i loved it don't see the problem with this story it is a less horror in it but i had no problem with it and it kinda plays like Dead Space 2.
Demo was shit. Not bothering with full game.
Easily GOTY 2013 Jk, but it is fantastic, even if not as dreadful and creepy as the original was, it still manages to be really fun. Co-op is great, too. Carvers backstory is nice, IMO, and he does change (more so than Isaac, of course) through the game. And dat plot twist, yo. [i]So that's what "make us whole" meant[/i]
Spoiler Alert: That's no moon.
Tis fantastic. Not as scary, but definitely a good game. At least weapons are way cooler now. The new crafting system is phenomenal.
it's great.
Its meh.