originally posted in:Mythic Members
I originally saw this topic on Reddit, but what are some seemingly miniscule things that a person could say to you that would make you instantly loathe them?[quote][/quote]I was at Subway and heard a girl pronounce the word 'Italian' as "Eye-talian," the most white trash butchering of a word's pronunciation that I can think of. It's a pet peeve of mine for sure, and it may be a small mistake, but it never fails to raise my blood pressure some.
Eye-literacy must really be a bitch.
Almost half of all the over-used memes on the internet. For some reason, when someone says [i]"You mad, bro?"[/i] it just makes something inside my head snap and makes me insta-rage. No shit I'm mad!!
Edited by A Fly Lady: 3/6/2013 3:28:01 PMI go into a [b]blind fury rage[/b] when someone says to me, "you're too sensitive" or "stop being so sensitive", etc.
Whenever someone thinks they're better than me because they're good a sports, and I have an A+ average
As soon as someone mentions football (Shitty American football) it makes me want to kill some one I hate football so much.
"I wouldn't expect an Atheist to understand." "God helped me through it." People who use items and try to return them, when store policy CLEARLY states that if an item has been opened and used, you CANNOT return it unless it's faulty. People who indicate to turn at roundabouts but then drive on, looking at ME as if I'm in the wrong when I then join the roundabout and have to slam on the brakes. People who drive half the speed limit. People who tailgate. People who brake for no good reason at all/people who brake check. Fucking idiots. When you that someone do something based on your experience in the matter, and they ignore you, then come back to you when it blows up in their face. -blam!-.
"I like smashing small animals for fun." "I shoot hummingbirds with airsoft guns."
Edited by Raw Sugar: 8/26/2014 11:40:06 PMWhen someone corrects me when they know what I mean. They are clearly doing it just for the sake of correcting me. I mean I'm just going to glare at you and in my head, sew all the holes in your body shut so why even bother?
Women should be equals
When people say, "axe" instead of, "ask". You know who I'm talking about.
Rap is good music. Call of Duty is a great franchise. 343i makes good halo games. Anything that comes out of a Saints or Auburn fans mouth. Women have it hard here. Anything black people say to try to guilt trip you into feeling bad for them. (Slavery and etc)
It's not something people say, but when someone doesn't use their turn signal I instantly hate them
Edited by Sarah: 8/28/2014 12:37:37 PMNot hate, but have a low opinion of. *N word* I find any moment in GTA V involving Franklin or Lamar extremely repulsive. They say the N word too often, and their slang and/or way of speaking is disgusting to listen to.
Literally any comment on youtube from a fanboy.
-When people chew with with their mouths open/smacking -Others saying video games is only for guys -YOLO -Other women complain about how much they weigh -When people talk behind my back when I'm clearly in the same room as them -Having to work on my day off -When people cut themselves for stupid idiotic reasons -Having to make long lists -Female stuff (enough said) -Bullying -People who take 12 hours to reply a text -Romance movies -Pop music
Whenever someone says "SAO is the greatest anime ever!" or "CoD is competitive!" Both make me lose hope in the person.
It's not so much what they say for me, it's how it's said.
"I'm a huge gamer. I play on my iPhone all day."
Halo sucks, CoD rules, and Destiny copies CoD, the best game ever.
"You make me wish 9/11 really did happen" Worst thing you can say...
"Touch base". I hate that phrase.
when people act like the friendzone is a real thing
I know a guy : -"Whats NBA?" "I only dont know that because im not interested in [u]that stuff[/u]" -"Who's Batista/Rey Mysterio/[i]John Cena[/i]/Undertaker?" "What's WWE?"
I remember playing on XBL and I was talking to friend in-game. I made some guy on my team hate me so much for saying the word "telly" (Television). His jimmies were rustled, I'd say that much.
When people type y'all. I really find this irritating when people type it on the internet. I'm fine when people say It irl because it's an accent thing, but idk why but I just hate it being typed in sentences.
EVERYTHING[spoiler]i dont hate any of you on b.net[/spoiler]