I broke my left arm after falling off of monkey-bars when I was like 9ish. Cracked my funny bone right near the elbow, so I had to wear a cast for about 6 weeks. Fucking everyone at primary school wanted to sign my cast for some reason. Scored 2 TDs playing football while wearing it (the only 2 TDs I remember scoring, go figure). Also fell off the edge of a small pillar at a shopping center and bruised my knee to the point where I had to use crutches when I was maybe 10-11. If it counts as an "injury" I had to get surgery for appendicitis at one point and had trouble walking for a week coz it fucking hurt.
Not exactly an injury, but back in grade school just before an assembly I started to feel really sick to my stomach. It got worse throughout the day and i went to the nurse and had it checked out. My abdomen was swollen and I couldn't urinate, so I had to be flown to a hospital by helicopter to have my bladder checked. Pretty scary stuff at that age.