It gives me shivers thinking about a kid running in a field with no shoes and getting one of those in their foot..
Did you drop one of your needles?
The future is bright for those children . . . . . . because even under a spoon, flames are bright.
I don't recommend you handling it yourself, contact the school.
Damn dude, thats horrible. It reminds me of the time I found a half buried brick in our football field.
Most likely an improperly disposed insulin syringe. Junkies typically hang onto their works. Unless you are in a city that gives out sterile syringes to IV addicts, in which case, it's more likely that than insulin. Either way, stay away from the sharp and pointy end, find a place that has a proper sharps disposal (a lot of public restrooms do) and if you want, report it to the school administration.
Worried? No. But certainly alert the administration so they can handle it.
I think the school should be worried that a man is roaming the place.
You should test it on your self to see what it is,you know so you can see if you need to be worried or not Also post results too
Yeah, what if a kid stepped on it and got a disease from it?
No. If it has a needle maybe. If there is a big bag of powerdery substance nearby then perhaps it would be best to worry.
I have a cousin in the 5th grade getting involved with Heroin.
Why were you searching a field at an elementary school?
Knew it...be very afraid OP.