There is only [i]one thing[/i] about the new site that I absolutely can [i]NOT[/i] learn to love.
The "links" on the [url=http://www.bungie.net/en-us/view/profile/index#page=index&mid=24131]Activity Feed[/url] aren't links.
Okay, i get it... HTML5 data-* attributes are fun and awesome and make things super easy to customize, but creating your own links using them renders both the middle click and ctrl+click open-in-new-tab methods inoperable. (Firefox, latest version)
I always open links in a new tab. It's become standard for me to do this. I get hung up on this every time I try to view my posts. :(
With the new meta-links (for lack of a better term) that you guys made, the only way to open items in your activity feed in a "new tab" is to open them in the current tab then ctrl+click or middle click the back button to open the previous page in a new tab. This method makes checking all my threads and posts incredibly tedious.
Any chance this could be remedied? Perhaps, assuming the meta-links serve some other background purpose and need to be there, you could just add the "permalink" paperclip on the right of each entry so I can click that instead.
You-- you fixed it. Thanks, Bungie!