Why is it so many of the #religion threads are Atheists insulting others, or in some way attempting to bash religion? I can understand if maybe you are asking questions, but if you ask a question, shouldn't you have an open mind?
An open mind is always a good idea when you're on a website designed to enable the flow of ideas from one gamer to another. The conversations you're describing are not the sort of thing we intended to promote when we were brainstorming about the possibilities for Bungie.net. In a perfect-world scenario, civility and respect would rule the dialogue. Unfortunately, it ain't a perfect world, and a venue as open and inclusive as Bungie.net will be prone to the same ills. That's exactly why each and every member of this microcosm now has the power to insulate yourselves from the things you don't want to see. Gone are the days of you waiting, defenselessly, for a Ninja to find some free time to save you from the trolls. You all have defense mechanisms at the ready now. We want nothing more than to cultivate a scene in which everyone plays nice. What we've learned over the years is that no amount of rules or moderators will accomplish that. We never think its okay for one member of this community to disrespect another. This is why we enlisted you (yes, You!) to choose the company you want to keep here. Instead of policing every word spoken on our forum, we would prefer to let you lay down the law.